While many people prefer one another, they are often unsure of the health differences between brown rice and white rice. This article will look at some important factors that distinguish between these two types of rice in terms of health and nutritional value.
As for health, few argue that brown rice is better for you than white. Brown rice contains a lot more vitamins and minerals per serving than white rice. One of the main reasons for this is that the process of producing white rice leads to the loss of many of these important nutrients. To compensate for this loss, many manufacturers even enrich rice with nutrients.

Some of the nutrients commonly found in brown rice are vitamin E, thiamine, magnesium, vitamin B6 and fiber. In addition to them, brown rice contains about a dozen additional vitamins and minerals. In addition, brown rice contains about four times more dietary fiber than its white counterpart.
As for calories, brown and white rice contain roughly the same amount. However, the number of calories in white and brown rice can vary greatly. The type of running grain, short, long or sticky, can affect the number of calories. A cup of boiled white rice contains about 223 calories, compared to a cup of brown rice – about 232 calories. As you can see, there’s not much difference in calories.
Like calories, both types of rice also contain almost the same amount of protein and carbohydrates per serving. In fact, the main difference between the two is the amount of fiber, vitamins and minerals that brown has compared to white rice.
People with diabetes should definitely avoid white rice because it can cause an increase in blood sugar. In addition, anyone who wants to lose weight should sunbathe because of the increased amount of fiber and other nutrients. Although white rice still has beneficial nutritional properties, brown rice is the best choice for those who care about their health.
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