What is brown rice?
Brown rice or “Bhura Chaval” in Hindi is whole grain rice. This is the best alternative to our regular white rice because of its nutty taste. However, rancidity is a big problem for this rice, as bran and sprouts contain fat intended for food spoiling.
Is it just a difference in color?
It is true that these two varieties of rice have a different color, and there is a reason for this. Minerals in brown rice are very different from white rice. In short, “white rice is peeled brown rice.”
White minerals such as manganese, iron, vitamins B-1, B-3 and B-6, dietary fiber, phosphorus and essential fatty acids are removed during the refining process. The brown version still has shells and bran that provide grain protein, fiber, magnesium, thiamine, etc.
Health benefits
It is believed that most people consume white rice because of the difference in appearance. However, this is not the case when aspects such as nutrition and health are taken into account.
Selenium content
Brown rice is rich in selenium, which reduces the risk of common diseases such as cancer, arthritis and heart disease.
Reduces the risk of diabetes
Researchers have found that eating brown rice twice a week can reduce diabetes. Drinking just 50 grams a day reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes by 16%.
Prevents weight gain in women
Women who consume this rice are more likely to maintain a healthy body weight. Weight gain is inversely proportional to the consumption of high-fiber rice, while white rice consumption increases weight over time.
High fiber
Fiber is attached to cancer-causing substances and toxins, preventing them from attaching to the wall of the colon. This prevents colon cancer.

High in manganese
Almost 80% of the daily requirement for manganese can be provided with just one cup of brown rice. Manganese helps our body synthesize fat and benefits our nervous and reproductive systems.
Low cholesterol
The oil found in rice, along with high fiber, lowers cholesterol. It’s more or less like a bi-directed attack on our cholesterol levels.
Excellent baby food
In grain form, this rice is an ideal food for babies because of the presence of thick natural food and fiber. A growing child needs food that contains more nutrients than purified white rice.
Reduces the risk of metabolic syndrome
Recent studies have shown that insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome are reduced by 38%. It was low in those who ate whole grain fiber (brown rice).
Anti-inflammatory properties
Rice is rich in antioxidants, as are fruits and vegetables. They have anti-inflammatory properties, helping with conditions such as arthritis and asthma. Its consumption reduces inflammation, markers of cardiovascular risk, BMI and diastolic blood pressure.
However, the nutritional value of brown rice is being challenged because of perceived concerns about the presence of arsenic. This is believed to be due to the fact that brown rice absorbs a lot of water during growth. But more recent studies have shown the opposite, and this rice can be eaten because it gives wonderful benefits.