18 Foods That Help Lower Blood Pressure

But what about some of the foods you need to add to your diet? Getting the right nutrients and taking care of your overall health can help you control your levels and keep your health in tip-top shape. To find out more, we asked some dietitians hoge bloeddruk verlagen to give us their recommendations on the best foods for high blood pressure. High blood pressure is a serious diagnosis, but it can be controlled with appropriate lifestyle changes. In many cases, the cause of high blood pressure is mysterious.

These include soy, fish, skinless chicken, very lean meats and fat-free dairy products or 1% fat. Your healthcare provider may refer you to a dietitian who can help you create a healthy meal plan. Your goal will be based on your risk factors and other medical problems. Making changes to your diet is a proven way to control high blood pressure.

Research has shown that drinking beet juice can help lower systolic blood pressure by four to five mmHg. Try adding beet juice to your diet, and if you buy store-bought juice, make sure there is no added sugar. One review concluded that consuming extra virgin olive oil helps lower blood pressure thanks to their high amounts of oleic acid and antioxidants called polyphenols. Studies have shown that people with hypertension who add oatmeal to their diet can significantly lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Instead, it’s the foundation for a comprehensive healthy eating strategy that’s good for blood pressure and much more. They also help prevent some of the dreaded consequences of high blood pressure.

Dietary approaches to stop hypertension is an eating plan rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish, poultry, nuts, legumes and low-fat dairy products. These foods are rich in important nutrients such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, fiber and protein. Lycopene gives red fruits and vegetables their rich color and is an important part of the Mediterranean diet, an eating pattern known to reduce the risk of heart disease. Not only does lycopene keep blood pressure in check, but having high blood levels lowers bad cholesterol and reduces the risk of stroke. Eating a diet rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables and dairy products low in fat and low saturated fat and cholesterol can lower high blood pressure by up to 11 mm Hg.

To reduce your sodium intake, eat fresh foods and avoid frozen meals, as frozen meals usually have a high salt content. Use other spices and tasty herbs to flavor your food instead of salt. Read the labels on each packaged food and note the sodium count per serving. Avocados are one of the best sources of monounsaturated fats.

Along with other lifestyle modifications, adopting a healthy diet can significantly lower blood pressure and help reduce the risk of heart disease. Fatty fish is an excellent source of omega-3 fats, which have important benefits for heart health. These fats can help lower blood pressure by reducing inflammation and lowering levels of compounds that constrict blood vessels called oxylipins. Getting enough sleep is important for your overall health, and getting enough sleep is part of keeping your heart and blood vessels healthy.

– like walnuts and almonds can be a great source of healthy fats that help your heart. But for high blood pressure, pistachios are your best option. They seem to have the strongest effect on lowering upper and lower blood pressure readings. Calcium is a major player in good blood pressure because it helps narrow and relax blood vessels when they should. Plain, low-fat yogurt is a good way to add calcium to your diet without too much added sugar or fat. Add some berries to get some natural sweetness and even more helps blood pressure.


