The Top 10 Reasons Not To Study In Turkey



The law paved the way for the development of technology development centers and technology parks on university campuses to provide students with the most relevant practical training. As of 2014, 32 of these centers are already operational and about a dozen others are ready to be completed in the near future. Until recently, international students had to take the Foreign Student Exam, which was offered by the Student Selection and Placement Center .

The ARIT scholarship provides funds for American undergraduate and graduate students. USA Complete a year of Turkish university studies during the summer at Boğaziçi University in Istanbul. The Republic of Turkey is a country of geopolitical importance that is strategically, geographically and culturally linked to Eastern Europe, Central Asia and the Middle East. It is the 16th largest economy in the world with a growing middle class of consumers.

Turkish universities now offer a rich area of options for international students. Turkey offers the most expensive lifestyle to students who care about the budget. Here, your average cost of living would be approximately $ 1,000 – $ 1,200 per month, including renting accommodation. Turkish universities offer their students thousands of program options; All given in English.

At the top of a rocky hill inland is Ankara, the modern capital of Turkey with a historic heart. The port of Izmir, on the beautiful Aegean coast, is surrounded by olive groves and vineyards and close to Ephesus with its impressive Roman ruins. Studying abroad is not easy, especially if you are a recent high school student who knows almost nothing about life. In this post I would like to talk about the top 10 türkiyədə təhsil and what I have learned from this experience. Applications for graduate programs must be submitted directly to universities. View those conditions directly at university, but if you’re not an exchange student, there is a list of things to do before applying for a program.

As an international student, you may want to try to work in another country after graduation, and Istanbul offers you many opportunities to do so. In this fast-paced city, knowing English is a bonus while looking for a job, and there are many international Istanbul-based companies ready to hire recent graduates. However, working as a student is prohibited when you enter Turkey with a student visa. Fortunately, this does not exclude you from working with your university at the academy to teach English or advise your colleagues on various topics, to make some extra money.