Five Tips To Use Healthy Ears And Protect Your Hearing



If you think you would benefit from more regular cleaning appointments, contact a specialist to discuss your options. With a soft cloth and some warm water, gently rub the outside of your ear and wipe to remove any wax buildup. Make sure the water temperature is not too hot, as this can burn your ear canal. With winter comes wet weather and cooler temperatures, which is a breeding ground for ice. Stay alert and watch out for slippery steps, hidden ice patches, and snowy objects. To keep you and your ears healthy this season, check out these helpful tips for caring for the winter ear.

Middle ear infection is an inflammation of the middle ear that causes pressure changes, severe pain, fever, hearing loss, and sometimes dizziness. If the eardrum becomes perforated, a pus-like or bloody discharge will flow out of the affected ear. Treatment is usually an antibiotic and a decongestant. Recurrent otitis media may require special surgical correction by placing tubes in the eardrums.

Sometimes this can result in an infection in the ear canal. If you have a lot of earwax and it bothers you, it is good to clean your ears, do it carefully and rarely. Turn Down Tunes – In-ear headphones are a growing cause of hearing loss in young adults and can be prevented. The problem is that headphones push the volume directly into the inner ear, and high volumes can be dangerous for those tiny hair cells. Turn down the volume and use noise-cancelling or over-ear headphones if possible.

If you ever think your ears are clogged due to a sinus infection, there are over-the-counter decongestants you can use that should help. Definitely don’t use Q-tips in this situation as it will only make the problem worse. For the average person, the ear canals shouldn’t be cleaned, but you can gently clean the outside of your ears daily to stay cool. Remember that cleaning your ears too often can cause an infection and even increase the chances of earwax impacting. It can be difficult to hear when your ears are blocked, and you may want to consider cleaning your ears as a simple remedy.

If you wear hearing aids, it is important to take care of them as well, as they come into your ears! Keep them in a sealed container when not in use, keep them away from moisture and follow our other hearing aid care tips for best results. However, sometimes wax can accumulate and affect your hearing.

The suggestion is to listen with headphones at no more than 60% volume for no more than 60 minutes a day. If you don’t dry your ears properly after washing or swimming, excess fluid can cause bacterial buildup, putting the ear canal at risk. If you detect water debris, deflate the ear by tilting your head to Deeside Hearing the side. Also, be sure to dry gently with a towel after bathing or swimming. The good news is that there are home earwax treatments that work great to remove small amounts of earwax. However, if you have a lot of earwax or are affected, you should probably see a doctor to remove it, but more on that later.

You’ll need these items to protect your sensitive ears from the cold, wet winter weather. So when you spend time outdoors this winter, be sure to protect your ears to keep them warm and dry to reduce the risk of exosticism. Exostosis occurs when the ear is repeatedly exposed to cold. The common cold stimulates abnormal bone growth that can constrict the ear canal and block the eardrum, affecting your hearing and increasing your risk of infection.

However, sometimes water cannot be released, and because of the bacterial and fungal organisms in the water, an outer ear infection known as swimmer’s ear can occur. The most common signs and symptoms of an infection are itching in the ear, pain that gets worse when the earlobe is pulled, and a feeling of plugging or feeling full. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should immediately consult your doctor for proper treatment. Did you know that ear canals are self-cleaning and that earwax does not form or accumulate deep in the ear canal? So if you use a cotton swab, you’re actually making it worse.

The law requires you to wear hearing protection if you work in a noisy environment. Home care centers, hunting stores, and some garden centers wear protective ear hats. Some diseases and medical conditions can affect your hearing. If you experience sudden hearing loss or have constant noise in your ears or head, consult a healthcare provider right away.